Embracing Wetlands



Edith Chase Lecture
At 7 p.m. Denny Taylor, Professor Emeritus at Hiram College, presented “Embracing Wetlands: Wetlands as Generators of Environmental Stewards” at the KSU College of Architecture & Environmental Design – 132 S. Lincoln St. Kent, OH.

May 17 Poetry
Friday Evening at 4 p.m. Poets
from around the State will read original poems, "Embracing Wetlands", at the College of Architecture & Environmental Design – 132 S. Lincoln St, Kent Ohio.  A new anthology of these poems is available.

Birds of the Cuyahoga River

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Thursday Night’s Presentation

Wetlands as Generators of
Environmental Stewards

Mary Mertz, Director ODNROur Speaker – Denny Taylor
Denny Taylor is a Professor Emeritus at Hiram College and in summer teaches scientific method at Shoals Marine Laboratory in Maine.
He received a B.A. in Biology from Hiram College in 1973 and a Ph.D. in Ecology from Cornell University in 1979. In 2007, he co-founded Learning Streams International, a STEM Academy program investigating local environments through high school – university collaborations in the United States, Pakistan and the Dominican Republic

As Director of Hiram’s James H. Barrow Biological Field Station, he engaged the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency in introducing and teaching OEPA wetland and stream bio-monitoring protocols to students of all ages. Recently he and colleagues have been examining ways to re-engage post-pandemic high school students by using the on-line i-Tree tools of the U.S. Forest Service, meeting students and teachers on the platforms they currently use, opening their eyes to the forests, wetlands and streams of their local communities.

His areas of expertise are freshwater and marine ecology, and science education. His courses and research center on experiential discovery learning that empowers students to think critically using their own scientific evidence. He directed or co-directed over forty off campus programs including two 80 day round the world interdisciplinary undergraduate expeditions examining the impact of climate change on all major biomes of the world as well as seven science/language/literature programs in Germany. He is a trustee of the Alfred W. Couch Organic Farm in Hiram and is passionate about gardening and decreasing human impacts on the natural world.